Thursday, February 3, 2011

Somebody is gonna get a hurt real bad

NOT EVERYBODY KNOWS THIS GUY!!!Russell Peters is probably the most famous south-east Asian stand up comic..BACk to this show. The thing about Russell Peters is that most of his jokes are on race. The others are about sex. Sensitive people will likely not like him.HIS JOKES WERE AWESOME AND INSPIRED MAN!! But then he redeems himself by making fun of all races. He hits at the stereotypes....

Arabs are terrorists waiting to blow up america.
Latinos are all uneducated people good enough only for mowing lawns
Indians in the US run grocery stores.
Koreans run dry cleaning stores.
Blacks will kill you and take your money.
Filipinos love karaoke (that’s one of his favorites) He does give India a bad name though. I wonder how many people form their impression of India from his shows. Some of what he says may be true, but there’s a lot of exaggerations and many non Indians sitting there would think that India is a country of weird practices and customs.I LOVE HIS JOKES ON CHINESE PEOPLE AND AFRICAN PEOPLE!!

From Comedy Central: -I was at my parents house, about a month ago. I was watching TV with my dad right. And the gay pride parade was on that weekend (Audience member yells out "Woo".. Well whatever makes you happy). And they had a live feed .. well not like a live feed but they were showing the parade right. And all of a sudden these 3 gay indian guys came on the screen .. I don't mean came on the screen but they appeared, right. And these 3 gay Indian guys are like "Hey, we are Indian and we are Gay !! We represent the gay South-Asian Community" and my Dad looks at me and goes "That is disgusting. Do you know them ?" I'm like why the hell would I know them. "Because they are of the gay and you are in the entertainment business."

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Why atheism can't replace religion

"The reasons that churches lose ground in developed countries can be summarized in market terms. First, with better science, and with government safety nets, and smaller families, there is less fear and uncertainty in people's daily lives and hence less of a market for religion. At the same time many alternative products are being offered, such as psychotropic medicines and electronic entertainment that have fewer strings attached and that do not require slavish conformity to unscientific beliefs."It is true that much of the developed world lives in not only a post-Christian, but a post-religious society in many ways. And it is true that many people have turned to religion because of economic uncertainty or emotional challenges. They still do, in fact.

However, for many people, religion is not merely a way to deal with fear, uncertainty, and emotional difficulties. In my experience, many people follow a particular religious way of life because they believe that it is true. The problem with a market-based analysis of the future of religion, as well as the market-based practices present in many contemporary religious communities, is that religion at its best is not a consumer product. Rather, at its best religious faith calls for sacrifice, unselfishness, love, and a willingness to remove oneself from the center of the universe, so to speak. In order to be willling to live in such a way, a self-centered market-based approach to religion will not do. Rather, one must believe that she is living in a way that is consistent with reality in order to motivate an unselfish approach to life.

It is also unclear how atheism is positioned to replace religion, in the following way. Atheism is
the belief that God does not exist. But this, in and of itself, cannot form the foundation for a way of life. Only by forming and practicing positive beliefs and values can one build a coherent and meaningful life. So if something is to replace religion, it will not be atheism. Perhaps some form of secular humanism will accomplish this task. But here we run into another problem, namely, that human beings long for transcendence of some sort, as shown by the presence and prevalence of religious belief throughout cultures across timeLastly, we should be very grateful for the powerful psychopharmacological substances which can make life better for many of us. However, we must remember that religion is not merely about making my life better. Religion at its best is about making me better, and a better contributor to the common good. In closing, I think the reports of the impending death and replacement of religion with atheism are greatly exaggerated

Saturday, September 18, 2010 PEOPLE LIVE IN CHRONIC AND HUNGER


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

"What will you be when you grow up?" It's the biggest question asked of children, from toddlers to teenagers!!!!Generally speaking, I find life to be uncommonly wonderful these days. It's richer, more fulfilling, and generally more full than I ever imagined it could be, much less imagine it for myself.
But there's one thing, one specific thing, that causes me more angst than anything else. I find myself wondering what I want to be when I grow up.!!IT'S DIFFICULT DECISION!!why???????????Tastes change so dramatically, who's to say you’ll even like the same things when you grow up..!! My mind goes crazy.I want to be ......

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Little People, Big World

It Has Been A While

I had x time to post in my blog
I had x time to read a book other than my subjects
I had x time to relaxxxx
I had x time to go out for movie wit my friendz
I had x time to play computer games wit my friendz
Lolx..... XD......SPM